CPR's experts provide trainings on numerous topics such as:
Cumulative Stress management
Dealing with Difficult Customers
Taking Care of the Caregiver
Critical incident Stress Management (CISM)
We can also customize and deliver training to meet your organization's unique needs on a variety of topics.
CPR provides numerous ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation) approved training for the following courses:
CISM: Group Intervention
CISM: Individual Crisis Intervention & Peer Support
CISM: Group and Individual Intervention
CISM: Advanced Group
Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
Law Enforcement Perspectives for CISM Enhancement
Strategic Response to Crisis
Terrorism: Psychological Impacts and Implications
Pastoral Crisis Intervention
Responding to School Crises
TEAM: Team Evolution and Management
Please contact us for upcoming training dates or to schedule a training for your agency.