Expert Training

CPR is now Providing Expert Training

CPR's experts provide trainings on numerous topics such as:

  • Cumulative Stress management

  • Dealing with Difficult Customers

  • Taking Care of the Caregiver

  • Critical incident Stress Management (CISM)

We can also customize and deliver training to meet your organization's unique needs on a variety of topics.

CPR provides numerous ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation) approved training for the following courses:

  • CISM: Group Intervention

  • CISM: Individual Crisis Intervention & Peer Support

  • CISM: Group and Individual Intervention

  • CISM: Advanced Group

  • Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention

  • Law Enforcement Perspectives for CISM Enhancement

  • Strategic Response to Crisis

  • Terrorism: Psychological Impacts and Implications

  • Pastoral Crisis Intervention

  • Responding to School Crises

  • TEAM: Team Evolution and Management

Please contact us for upcoming training dates or to schedule a training for your agency.